Why Does My Cat Lick My Hair? Strange But True Facts

Has your cat ever walked up to you and started licking your hair? If so, you’re not alone. Many cats do this because they view it as a way of showing their affection. Cats may also lick their owners’ hair as a way of marking them as part of their territory. Let’s take a look at why cats like to lick their owners’ hair.

8 Reasons Why Does My Cat Lick My Hair

Cats are known for their affinity towards grooming. They spend much of the day licking themselves and even each other to maintain a clean coat. While it can be unnerving at times if your cat is constantly licking your hair, there are several reasons why she might do this. Here are some possible explanations:

Reason #1: A Sign Of Affection

One of the most obvious reasons why cats lick their owners’ hair is because they’re showing affection. In fact, many cat experts say that a feline’s grooming behavior is actually how they express their love and devotion to another cat. This explains why your kitty might be licking your hair. She views you as her family member, so she’s grooming you the same way she would groom her own kin.

Reason #2: She’s Trying To Tell You Something

If your cat is licking your hair excessively, it could be a sign that she’s trying to tell you something. Cats use grooming as a way of communicating, and if your cat is licking your head it could mean she wants you to pay more attention to her. She might be hungry, or she could just want some more love!

Reason #3: You Smell Good

Believe it or not, one of the reasons why cats may lick your hair is because you smell good! Cats have a powerful sense of smell and they may be attracted to the scent of shampoo, conditioner, or perfume.

Reason #4: She’s Trying To Get Your Attention

If your cat is constantly licking your hair, she may be trying to get your attention. Cats are very independent animals and they often like to have their own space. If your cat feels ignored or neglected, she may start grooming you as a way of getting your attention.

Reason #5: She’s Stressed Out

Cats can get stressed out for a number of reasons. It could be due to a change in their environment or the addition of another pet. Cats are very sensitive creatures and they can even pick up on your stress levels, so if you’ve been feeling anxious lately your cat may start grooming more frequently as a way of responding to this anxiety.

Reason #6: She’s In Pain

If your cat is licking your hair, it may be because she’s in pain. Cats are often very good at hiding their pain and will lick themselves to try and relieve discomfort from an injury or illness. If you notice that your cat is licking your hair in combination with other symptoms such as lethargy, vomiting or diarrhea then something could be wrong. It’s best to take her to the vet just in case!

Reason #7: She’s Bored

If your cat is licking your hair, it might be because she’s bored. Cats are natural hunters and explorers, and if they don’t have enough things to keep them occupied they can often get into trouble. Make sure you provide your cat with plenty of toys to play with, and put some scratching posts around the house to help keep her claws healthy.

Reason #8: She’s Claiming Territory

If your cat is licking you, it might be because she’s claiming territory. Cats can get very territorial when they feel their home or family are threatened by an intruder. If a new person moves into the house, for example, then this could cause your cat to become more protective over her space and start grooming you as a way of marking her territory.

Is It Okay For Cats To Lick Your Hair

It’s perfectly normal for cats to lick their owners, especially if they view you as part of their family. However, it is important that your cat doesn’t over-groom herself or anyone else! Over-grooming can lead to skin irritation and infections which may require veterinary treatment. If you notice any signs of over-grooming in your cat, or if she’s licking you excessively, then it’s best to take her to the vet for a check-up.

Be cautious and look for the below symptoms if it becomes an issue:

  • Excessive licking.
  • Licking accompanied by other symptoms such as lethargy, vomiting or diarrhea.
  • Redness, irritation or bald patches on the skin.
  • Constant licking of one specific area.

If your cat has been diagnosed with a medical condition that is causing her to lick herself excessively, please consult your veterinarian for the best course of treatment.

How To Stop Your Cat From Licking Your Hair

In most cases it’s fine for cats to lick their owners, but if your cat is licking you excessively and causing skin irritation, then it’s important to take steps to stop this behavior. Here are some things that may help:

  • Put a cover over the area of skin which she keeps licking. This will make it harder for her to reach and may discourage her from grooming that area.
  • Try to keep her distracted by playing with her or giving her something else to do, such as a scratching post.
  • If the licking is due to anxiety, try to create a more relaxed environment for her by adding some new toys or hiding places.
  • Try changing the way you smell (e.g., use a different shampoo). Alternatively, you could put a cover over your hair when she starts licking.
  • If your cat is licking you because she’s bored, try to make her environment more interesting by adding a scratching post, toys or other cats for company.

If nothing else works and she keeps licking you, then it’s best to take her to the vet for a check-up. Your cat might be suffering from an allergy or skin condition which is causing her discomfort and triggering this behavior.

Can Cats Get Sick From Licking You

Cats can get sick from licking you, but it’s very rare. Here are some possible causes that will get cats sick:

Cause #1: Accidentally Ingesting Toxic Substances

If your cat is licking you then there’s always a risk that she could accidentally ingest a toxic substance. Common household toxins which can be poisonous to cats include cleaning products, antifreeze and pesticides. If you think that your cat may have ingested something poisonous then it’s important to take her to the vet as soon as possible.

Cause #2: Allergies

Cats can be allergic to a range of things, including food and pollen. If your cat is suffering from an allergy then this could trigger her to start licking herself excessively or other people in the household. It’s best to take her to the vet for a check-up if you notice any signs of over-grooming.

Cause #3: Parasite Infection

Another possible cause could be a parasite called Toxoplasma gondii which lives inside the intestines of infected animals and people. This parasite causes an infection known as toxoplasmosis, which can be fatal if left untreated. However, only a small number of people are actually infected with this parasite so it’s very unlikely that your cat will become sick from licking you.

So, while it’s generally okay for cats to lick their owners, there is always a risk that they could become ill from doing so.

Better safe than sorry when it comes to your cat’s licking behavior and always better to take her into the vet if you notice any unusual changes in her grooming habits.

Final Thoughts

So if you find your cat licking your hair, it’s most likely because she is showing affection or grooming herself. However, there are other reasons why cats lick their owners and these include anxiety or boredom.

In most cases it’s fine for cats to lick their owners but if your cat is licking you excessively and causing skin irritation then take her to the vet for a check-up.

Why does my cat lick and bite my hair?

There can be a few reasons why your cat is licking and biting your hair. One possibility is that she’s trying to groom you, as cats often do with their owners. Another reason could be that she’s anxious or bored, and this behavior is her way of coping with those feelings. If your cat’s licking and biting becomes excessive or causes skin irritation, then take her to the vet for a check-up.

Why does my cat lick my hair after a shower?

Cats tend to lick their owners after they’ve been in the shower because they like the way we smell. This is a sign of affection and it helps them bond with us as well as being part of their grooming routine.

Why does my cat play with my hair?

Cats like to play with our hair because it’s a fun and easy way for them to get attention. They also enjoy chewing on strands, which helps wear down their teeth in much the same way as they use toys or chew sticks. Cats will often lick and bite at our hair too, which is why we need to make sure that they can’t do any damage when playing with us.

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